Articles on: CSV Upload

Upload cost for products with CSV file

if you have multiple products and variants editing the cost can become cumbersome. In this case you can use the CSV Upload feature to quickly manipulate the data in the Product Cost table.

To get started download the Product Cost template by clicking on Download Template on the top right in the Cost Of Goods Menu. Choose 'Productlist' to download the appropiate template for this guide.

Once you have downloaded the CSV File you can open file in your favourite spreadsheet Software.
We have guides on how to edit the file for Excel and for Google Sheets. Click the links bellow to open the according how to guides.

Guide for Excel
Guide for Google Sheets

When you are done editing the CSV File simply drag and drop the file into the upload area. The Upload will start automatically. Once the file has been uploaded and processed by the application the product cost table will reflect the changes from you file.

The changes are not saved yet. To save the changes and apply the cost to every order you need to click 'Save' on the top left of the product cost table.

Updated on: 16/08/2022

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