How to change the currency of AliExpress orders?
By default AliExpress orders get exported in US-Dollars. If you need the invoices in your local currency or if you need to check the amount you have paid with your credit card statement you can easily change the currency used by Profitario. The currency can be changed on the AliExpress settings page.
Open AliExpress Settings
Select the correct currency that you want to display on your invoice in the dropdown menu and click apply.
The currency you select here has not effect on the cost added to your shopify orders. All costs added from AliExpress to your shopify orders are automatically converted to match your stores currency.

Open AliExpress Settings
Select the correct currency that you want to display on your invoice in the dropdown menu and click apply.
The currency you select here has not effect on the cost added to your shopify orders. All costs added from AliExpress to your shopify orders are automatically converted to match your stores currency.

Updated on: 16/08/2022
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