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Transaction Fees
How to add transaction fees?
Transaction Fees can be added in the Transaction Fee Menu. Link Transaction Fee usually consist of three parts: Variable Gateway Fee Fixed Gateway Fee Shopify Fee The Variable Gateway Fee as well as the Fixed Gateway fee can be found in the Transa
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Cost Of Goods
How to manually change the cost of an order?
Some costs are easier to account for manually. To change the cost of any part of your order you have to go to the Orderlist. On the Orderlist click on the pen icon of the order you want to edit and enter the new cost. Open Orderlist Open the order edit menu by click on the pen icon in the order list (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/5efc78d30
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What is the Handling Fee?
The handling fee allows you to add a cost (packing, processing fee from fulfillment center) to an order that is not directly attached to Cost of Goods. If you have no handling fee you can just leave the handling fee column empty
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How to add cost changes to the dashboard (Historical Cost) ?
At soem point in tiem your supplier will change his prices. Both an increase aswell as a dcrease can be accounted for with the Historical Cost Feature. You can set the Price change for the whole product or just for individual variants. To make changes go to the Cost Of Goods menu. On the right side of the table you will notice a little ' ... ' icon. When you click on the Icon a menu will open. Slect 'Hisotrical Cost' to open the Menu where you can ad
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