How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any point in time. To cancel your subscription visit the account page and click on 'Cancel Subscription' Will my deprecated subscription still be available after I cancel my subscription? No, deprecated plans are only available when you don't change your subscription. After a subscription has been cancelled only the lateFew readersHow does the usage charge work?
The usage charge is calculated every day for the last 30 days. At the end of the day we check if your account is over its usage limit. For the Basic plan the usage limit is 300 orders. At the end of the day we check if you had more than 300 orders in the last 30 days we will charge for all new orders that where processed on that day.Few readers
How can I delete my Profitario account?
We are fully GDPR compliant so you can delete your account at any time by sending an email to Make sure to send the email from the address you have used to create your account so we can process your request as fast as possible. We usually need 2 business days to delete an account.Some readersHow to apply a discount code?
To apply a discount code go to your Account Settings Menu. Click here Click on Apply Discount Code to apply your discount code. If your discount code is valid the monthly charge will get reduced automatically.Few readersHow can I delete my AliExpress orders?
To delete individual AliExpress orders open the AliExpress order list and click on the 'trash' icon on the right side of the table. To delete your all AliExpress orders please contact support in the live chat or send an email to support@profitario.comFew readersHow can I change my Profitario account email?
Visit the Account page Click on Settings Click on Change Email Enter you new email address and make sure you are able to receive emails on the new address. Approve the change by clicking on the link in the email we have sent you.Few readers