How to connect an integration?
comming soonFew readersWhat to do when an ad account is missing from the list?
We do not automatically import ad accounts that have been created after you connected the integration. Visit the integrations page Click on the integration you are missing an adaccount in. Click on Add Account to add all available adaccounts to the list. To refresh your ad account list just reconnect the integration by clicking on Add Account on the integration details page. Doing so will not start the full import again but jusFew readersHow to reconnect an expired integration access token?
If you are not sure how you can connect an integration. This guide will show you how. If you see the prompt on your dashboard all you have to do is clicking on Reconnect. This will take you to the integration details page. All items with tFew readers
How to change the currency of AliExpress orders?
By default AliExpress orders get exported in US-Dollars. If you need the invoices in your local currency or if you need to check the amount you have paid with your credit card statement you can easily change the currency used by Profitario. The currency can be changed on the AliExpress settings page. Open AliExpress Settings Select the correct currency that you want to display on your invoice in the dropdown menu and click apply.PopularHow to change the AliExpress order upload settings?
Open the AliExpress Extension Settings: Click here What are the upload speed settings? Parallel Uploads The biggest chunk of time during the upload is spent on waiting for responsSome readersHow to create an Invoice from AliExpress with Profitario.
In this guide we will show your step by step how you can create a Profitario Account, connect our Chrome Extension and how to download Invoices. It might seem overwhelming at first but if you follow every step one after the other you will have your Invoices in no time :). If you still need help scroll down and open the live chat to chat with us. Create a Profitario account First you need an account. To create one go to the rSome readersHow to open the AliExpress CSV download?
First you need to download the CSV File from Profitario. To do So go to Reports -AliExpress and select teh timeframe you want to download on the top right of the page. ( Next click on 'Download CSV' Once the download has finished follow this guide to get the csv download into format ySome readersCan I use multiple AliExpress accounts with Profitario?
Can I filter the orders by AliExpress account? No, there currently is no way to filter for specific AliExpress accounts in any of the reports. I need to create individual invoices by AliExpress account. What should I do? You can create as many Profitario accounts as you want. In fact we recommend creating one Profitario account for every AliExFew readers
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How to get a Shiphero API Key
You can do this by going to and clicking on +Add Third-Party Developer button. After adding the developer you should be able to see the Bearer Token and the Refresh Token . These tokens should be provided to the developer. You then have to copy the Bearer Token and the Refresh Token into the respective fields on the authentication page within Profitario.Few readersHow to get a Shippo API-Key
To get you Shippo API-Key Go to this page: You can find this page on the Shippo Account under Settings -API On the API Settings page click on 'Generate Token' under the Live Tokens Settings Copy the Token and paste it into the API Key field on Profitario Profitario Shippo Integration: https://appFew readersHo to get a ShipStation Api Key
To get you ShipStation API-Key Go to this page: You can find this page on your Shipstation Account under Settings -Account-API Settings On the API Settings page click on 'Generate New API keys' Copy the API-Keyas well as the API-Secret and paste it into the correspondig fields on ProfitaFew readersHow to get a Shipmondo API Key
To get you Shipmondo API-Key Go to this page: You can find this page on your Shipmondo Account under Settings -API -Access On the API Settings page click on 'Generate API keys' Copy the API-User as well as the API-Key and paste it into the correspondig fields on Profitario. PFew readersHow to get a Shipwire Api Key
You can configure your Shipwire account to allow for one, or more users, to access it. Shipwire has the notion of four Account roles (or types): Administrator, Full Access User, API, and Customer Service. You need to create new API User for Poriftario you use this Integration. Adding a new user (or API) role Go to Account Profile, and ensure that you are logged in as the Administrator. (https://storage.crisp.cFew readers
How to change the ad spend currency?
For accounting or payment purposes your ad account might be setup in a different currency than your store. When you change the currency within Profitario we will convert the daily ad spend using accurate conversion rates directly from the european central bank. To change the currency of yoFew readersCan I connect my woocommerce or amazon shop?
It is currently not possible to connect a shop system other than Shopify. Woocommerce, Amazon Shopping and others are not supported as an integration with Profitario.Few readersHow to connect Stripe with Profitario?
If you are using stripe as one of your payments gateways. Chances are you already got a Payment Dispute on stripe from one of your customers. We know that sucks, but it's even worse if you don't know the effect disputes have on your bottom line. The Stripe integration is included in every Profitario account and updates in realtime all your disputes. Let's get started! First go to the Stripe Dashboard and log in. Click here to open Dashboard. SFew readers